Friday, April 19, 2013

Creative Event – Greek Sing 2013

I attended Greek Sing at the Auburn Arena on April 11, 2013. Greek Sing is an event put on by the Auburn University sororities in which they compete in a choreographed dances to mashups of music. Each sorority has a different theme and different music to fit the theme and they are rated by a panel of judges for one winner.
I’m working on a story right now to be written from a woman’s perspective and so lately I’ve been even more conscious than usual about women and how they act around and interact with different people groups.
Most of the dances sucked. I grew up with five sisters and they all danced in upper level competitive ballet and modern dance. One of my best friends danced professionally for the Atlanta Ballet for a couple years, and I even danced myself for a local dance company that needed an extra guy for a project. From what I inferred, it was a bunch of girls that might have danced a little in high school or just “wanted to give it a try” for the first time in college and it was obvious that they had been drinking too much beer and hadn’t been stretching. That being said, it made the impressive and creative routines that much more enjoyable, though they were few and far between.
I wasn’t surprised when my inspiration didn’t come from the movement of the dancers or thought provoking choreography. But each dance was introduced by a short video explaining why they chose their certain theme and what it meant to them as a group. In those interviews, the way that the speaker in the video carried herself was very interesting and telling of different female personalities. It was very obvious which groups just had a lot of fun with their dance and which ones took it seriously and wanted it to be perfect. Then my favorite were the ones that tried to pretend they just wanted to have a lot of fun but were obviously very serious about the whole thing.
I tended to like the groups that took it seriously, and it showed in their dance. One in particular that intrigued and impressed me was the “Nightmare on DG Street” themed dance. While most of the ones leading up to it were themes like “High School” or “Candy” or “Pirates” Delta Gamma came out with a very dark and scary dance with fierce movements and sometimes even ominous music. It wasn’t the most impressive dancing of the night, but I was impressed by their bold theme choice.
Overall I learned a little more about the competitive side of women and how passive it can be. Chi Omega won the competition but in my opinion Alpha Gamma Delta was far more impressive.


  1. Greek Sing . . . .
    I thought you were opposed to writers writing from the perspective of the opposite gender?

  2. I am. It's not by choice that I'm writing from a woman's perspective, but it will probably be good for me.
